Still Alive and Kick'n
So I realized today it's been like six weeks since school started. Can that be right? It really only feels like 2 weeks, maybe 3 weeks at most. Kind of scary to think how fast it's gone by so far.
Anywho, school is grood (KJ talk for great and good). Living on campus has been awesome so far. Mostly it's been hanging out with friends, homework (or the procastination of), and work. I guess the old saying time flies when you're having fun holds water after all.
There are no pictures on this post because, well, I'm a loser and never have my camera with me when interesting things happen. Oh well.
Well, this blog really never had any point to begin with, so if you are still reading in the hope of that, I'm sorry. The truth is I wanted to update my blog and kill a little time before bed. Adios!