Friday, August 26, 2005

Reminiscent Thoughts on Being a Firefighter

I haven't posted in a little while, well it feels like a little while. Mainly this is because I've been super busy. Work, classes, other stuff, it all kind of zaps time from days. But I've been reminiscing about my 4 1/2 years on the Mechanicsburg Volunteer Fire Department and thought I'd talk a little bit about it.

I started helping out at the department when I was about 17. However I wasn't able to join as a member until I turned 18. Mainly I joined because it seems to be a family thing. My Dad, retired Navy, is on the department, my Uncle Frank is the Fire Chief, and my Uncle Brian is on the Fire District Board. Of course I also joined cause it sounded fun.

Originally I think my badge number on the department was 32. But not long after I joined they consolidated the numbers to eliminate gaps and I ended up being 26. I have so many memories from being on the department. Some great, some not so great. But I think you always have to take the good with the bad.

Some interior shots of the fire house. The picture on the left is and pan shot of the trucks. The picture on the right is our gear rack.

I think my favorite calls to go on would have to be grass/field fires or weather watch. Weather watch was always fun. While everyone else is in there homes, we take 4x4's out, park them in a ditch, and sit through the storm watching for possible tornadoes. Then we drive around our district making sure the wind didn't do any damage to power lines or to make sure that the roads are clear.

The only call that would top weather watch would have to be field fires. Most guys on the department like structure fires. But to me, there's nothing like sitting on top of a brush track haul'n across some field and shoot what amounts to a giant water gun off the side. I guess it comes down to toys, and we had some pretty cool ones!

These are some pictures of Engine 1. The one on the right is a picture of the controls on the midship for controlling the various lines coming off the engine.

While these were my favorite calls, they aren't what I think of as the best part of being on the department. That belongs to kids. I loved whenever we got the chance to do fire safety things with the children. Whether it be around Mechanicsburg, the fairgrounds, or somewhere in Springfield. There's just something about firefighters and fire engines that make a child’s eyes light up. Especially when you let them pull the air horn or dress up in our gear. Plus the fact that we were actually teaching them things that might one day save their lives... totally awesome!

These are pictures of Brush 3 and Tanker 5. I think you can tell which is which.

Thinking back, I really have seen and been a part of so much. I will never forget some of the guys I've served with and worked beside. Men I've seen save lives. I will also never forget the lives we couldn't save. I will never forget the adrenaline of hopping in a truck and tearing out of the firehouse or the thrill of driving one of the trucks. I've gotten to drive them all at some point by the way.

I guess I will end by saying a couple of things. First, if you know a firefighter, tell them thanks, it goes along way. Whenever possible, support your local fire department, or any emergency response for that matter. Whether it be police, fire, or EMT. Lastly, and this is a pet peeve of mine, IF YOU SEE FLASHING BLUE OR RED LIGHTS IN YOUR REARVIEW MIRROR OR IN FRONT OF YOU PULL TO THE SIDE OF THE ROAD! It could be your house, relative, or property we're trying to get to. Besides, I don't think you would want to go head to head with an engine anyways:


Thursday, August 18, 2005

Packed and Ready to Go... Sort Of

Well, what began as a decision 8 or so months ago is finally happening... tomorrow. My car is loaded, the van is filled, and the time draws nigh. But I'm not so gung ho anymore about it. Infact I'm almost saddened. My actions bear the consequence of completely changing the dynamic of the relationship between me and my family. No more comming home and watching a little tv with mom and dad. No more telling them good night. It's all gone. My whole comfort zone for my entire life, vanishing right before me.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for moving out, just didn't expect there to be any hesitancy. And I know my parents will always be there. I dunno. Typing this feels wierd... big strong (ex) firefighter who's gonna miss his mommy and daddy. But I will. My dad mentioned to me about regrets of things me and him never got to do when I was little. Not playing enough ball, hanging out as much as we could. Part of that stems from him being in the Navy and out to see for long periods of time. But I have never regreted my childhood. Infact I loved it.

I know, I'm rambling and am all over the place tonight. Please don't take this as me regreting moving to campus cause I don't. I need this. I really do. And I want to do it. I'm just tired from packing all day and this stuff has been heavy on my heart this week. Ok, time for me to get some rest before the big day tomorrow. Adios.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

From Beyond the Grave of Dead Bloggs...

Dale has blogged! It's a good post too, so you all should check it out. This also means he has been moved from the Lack o' Updates list. Way to go Dale, WOOT!!!!

On a more personal note, I would like to thank Erin for being so up front and real in her post. It really hit me hard reading it this week and brought a lot into perspective once again for me.

Monday, August 15, 2005

I'm (Almost) Packed!!!!!!!!11111

So I did most of my packing this afternoon/evening... WOOT! All I have left is my computer and cloths. These will be the last things and won't take long at all. I thought it would be harder than what it really was. But I ended up needing only 2 medium boxes for everthing. And neither of them are very full. This excites me alot! Now I just have to wait with anticipation for Saturday:)! Adios all!

A Challenging Day at Work... WOOT!

Today was one of those days at work that totally rocked, but completely drained me. In the early afternoon I was given a task that the bank needed completed by 4:00 pm. The task proved very challenging. That, added to the deadline, made for an awesome day. It reminded me back to when I took CSC I and II at LLCC. Part of our tests were to complete a programming assignment within a specific time. I loved these assignments. It separated the people who could program from the people who could just memorize code and regurgitate it. It's thinking on your feet, being ingenious, and not stressing out and giving up when the clock runs down.

I guess all it is, is that I just love a challenge. Working at the bank for so long, things have become a little mundane. Not that that’s bad, but that every now and then I like a good challenge and today, out of the blue, I got it. It totally rocks…

But now I must continue packing… sigh…

Sunday, August 14, 2005


So I promised I would keep up blogging. However there really hasn't been much to post about lately. That, and I've been a little, hmm, off kilter maybe. But a blog I don't think is the best place to "open up". So, I will list the mundain happenings from the last week.

Work. Things are getting crazy at work. But it's exciting. We're moving to the second floor of the Novis building behind Best Buy. This rocks because it means I get a better desk with a TON of draw space. No more hauling docs in my briefcase that could be left at work. I also may get a little better computer, but this is a maybe.

Move'n on out. I've begun the dreaded packing. I will be moving into Marygold 22 D on Saturday. This is my first time moving out of the parents house. I'm trying to pack lightly. But despite this, there is still alot that I'm realizing I need. I'm glad that at least I'm only 25 min from home so if I forget anything it won't take much to go and get it.

So there it is, the only two things from the last week worth mentioning. Boring, I know. Such is this life I lead. I suppose I'll end with a shout out to my roommates:

SEE YOU GUYS IN ONE WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111

Monday, August 08, 2005

A Small Thought for the Day...

I've been thinking a lot about the community that I will have the privilege of being apart of next semester at UIS. Those of us in this community will have an awesome opportunity to build each other up in Christ. I tingle with excitement at the thought of it! Not much to post right now, but I want to leave you all with a snippet of an email I got from Timothy in Kenya. It has been a great inspiration to my day today:

And in all please remember, God put you where you are for a purpose and it is only fair that we fulfill that purpose during our brief sojourn on earth. With that we can create a wonderful home in Kenya, the USA and definitely, the rest of the world. Let us not lose our vision.

Amen, have a great day all!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

When the Rain Comes...

When the rain comes it seems that everyone has gone away
When the night falls you wonder if you shouldn't find someplace
To run and hide / Escape the pain
But hiding's such a lonely thing to do

I can't stop the rain / From falling down on you again
I can't stop the rain / But I will hold you 'til it goes away

When the rain comes you blame it on the things that you have done
When the storm fades you know that rain must fall on everyone
Rest awhile / it'll be alright
No one loves you like I do

When the rain comes / I will hold you
~Third Day

So I’m sitting inside and there’s a pretty decent storm outside and it made me think of the song When the Rain Comes by Third Day. I don’t know of anyone who at some point in there life hasn’t had some sort of a storm. Spiritually I’ve had a rough one over the last six or so months. Most of it I brought on myself. But I think storms have to come, and that they are good for us. Paul writes in Romans 5:3-5 that

3We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they are good for us--they help us learn to endure. 4And endurance develops strength of character in us, and character strengthens our confident expectation of salvation. 5And this expectation will not disappoint us. For we know how dearly God loves us, because he has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.
I’ve had storms in the past and each time they’ve left me running again from God and religion. This has happened 2 or 3 times over the last 10 or 12 years. I start to turn to God, a storm hits, I run. But this one has been different. Maybe it’s because I’m to blame for it. Maybe it’s because I no longer want to run. Or maybe it’s because this was the point at which God said no more. Looking back over the last year, He’s done a lot to put me in a situation where if I did fall things would be different. I’m now part of a close community of good, spiritual men on campus. I have the opportunity through CSF to actively serve God on campus. And with CSF come Todd and Gretchen, to awesome spiritual leaders in my life. The net was always there. None of these things I had in previous storms.

With the storm starting to move into the distance, I realize now God has me and for whatever reason refuses to let me go. I love this. When I started to turn back towards God a year ago I was always afraid I might turn back, I might run again. But even if I waver God doesn’t and HE HAS ME! I think that deserves a W00T! I look forward to a semester of growth and maybe even a little peace… the calm after the storm perhaps.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Russia Building Pics

Ok, as promised here are some pictures of some way cool buildings in Ruissia. I'm a little sketchy on some of their names, but even without names I think they still look cool!

Two churches in Yaroslavl, the town where we did prefield orientation and debriefing. The church on the right is the Church of Elijah the Prophet. I'm not sure of the name of the other church.

This is the Church of St. Nikolai in Sharya and is where we did the VBS program at. Well, part of the VBS program, the other half was held in a building down the road from the church... technicalities, ugh!

Again, I'm not sure of the names of these buildings, but both are in Moscow just outside the Kremlin.

I think this will conclude my blogs for Russia. Hope you all have enjoyed them!

Monday, August 01, 2005

Russia Fun Pics

So these are five of my favorite pics from Russia. Needless to say it was a blast!

Hot and sweaty on that bus! Banya, banya, it's a must!

Dance Dance Revolution!

Playing with the little ones.

A floor so clean you could eat off of it... almost.

So, how was Russia?

I might post some pictures of some buildings later.