Sunday, May 15, 2005

Summer Break Begins...

So it feels like forever and a day since I last blogged. Then again it probably has been. A lot has happened between then and now, most of which is business I consider done and over with. So instead of talking any further about it, I think I will just blog about whatever comes to me.

Weather, the weather recently has been awesome. I'm a moderate guy. I don't like freezing cold, and I don't like super hot. I like it just right. Usually anywhere from 65 to 85, depending on humidity, is good for me. Yesterday was really great, the rain held off and I got to wash my car myself for the first time (got it last January if memory serves correctly). It was really a bonding experience. Plus is was nice to be outside and not have to worry about homework or anything else. Here are some pics of my clean car for you all to enjoy:

That's right, she's a manual and she'll beat anything small, yellow, and driven by a girl named Lisa.

Sexy, ain't she?

Baby got back!

Needless to say I like my car. I especially like the 30 mpg given the current gas prices. It doesn't take the new E85 though. But still, I'm definitly saving a lot of money on gas compared to my old Dodge Dakota.

So anyways, if you haven't already, get out and enjoy this great weather. In Illinois it promises to never be around for more than a day or two;)!


At May 15, 2005 2:56 PM, Blogger Hal Waggoner Jr. said...

I'm glad you posted that Mike, I've been wanting to argue that for some time. Lets look at the scenario:

1. My car was still new and I was still breaking it in, therefore I couldn't fully punch it.

2. She had one passenger in her car, I had 3 passengers, all guys.

3. Yellow cars suck.

Furthermore, I tried to re-challenge her 2 or 3 times and she backed down each time. In addition, we both have 4 cylnders, however I have a manual and she has an automatic. Therefore, clearly victory on a rematch would be in my favor, assuming it was just her and me in our respective cars.

At May 20, 2005 9:00 PM, Blogger Matt W said...

I know a green cavalier that would give you a run for your money, despite a dent in the passenger side rear fender.

She's as fast as sexy blue and lisa yellow put together. That makes sense though because blue and yellow do make green. :)

Bring it on boys.


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